Category Archives: Louise’s Diary

Cancer – An Emotional Rollercoaster

I’ve entitled this an emotional rollercoaster as that is exactly what it feels like. It’s a ride I never chose to get on and one I can’t get off of and have what feels like very little control of the highs and lows – the highs are relative!

I was actually diagnosed with breast cancer coming up to a year ago now (March 2015) and have kept notes and ramblings in my notebook getting off my chest how I feel, but it is really only now I feel emotionally and physically ready to share.

I have started already a little sharing with my recipe ideas but without explanation. For me my diet and the food that I eat was my very first step in gaining some control over this nightmare. Pretty much immediately after diagnosis and being back home I started researching how what we put inside our bodies impact our health, and came across a lot of very interesting articles and books recommending food choices.

Nourish The Cancer Care Cookbook by Penny Brohn Cancer Care
Deliciously Ella by Ella Woodward, Ella’s book introduced me to Kris Carr’s book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Kitchen.

I am certainly not about to preach to people that they should only eat organic food and cut out complete food groups but just to say it’s also more about finding the thing for you that helps you gain some sort of control over the situation you are in and I think that relates not only to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer but any scary, out of control situation where your life has been turned upside down.

Louise’s diary – the beginning

It seems very self-indulgent having a page entitled Louise’s diary, who wants to listen to my ramblings plus isn’t the whole point of a diary that it’s private! I recently found an old diary of mine from my teenage years where I had written in code to prevent prying eyes finding out what I was up to or feeling, well I know the code would have worked as I hadn’t a clue what I was banging on about! Don’t worry there won’t be any code here and I am putting modern pen to paper here for therapeutic purpose, as I go through the journey of cancer certain things I just need to get off my chest and if my rambling helps someone along the way I’ll be happy.

I hope to provide a mix of the practical and the emotional, things I’ve experienced and learnt along the way, that at times have seemed like a minefield and I hope this information will help you navigate along your own very personal and individual journey – as I am not naive to presume that any journey is going to be the same but unique to you!